Animators and entertainment sectors will be in CAM PİRAMİT

Between 10-13 april animation and entertainment sectors will come together in CAM PİRAMİT. At Animation&ShowBiz'08 animation agencys and organizers will discuss with...

Music profession to be concluded in 26,03,2008

Continuation about the music copyrights negotiations Between the Türkiye hotels federation (TÜROFED) and music profession to be concluded in 26,03,2008 headed by...

Minister Günay has meet ALTİD, ALTSO and ALTAB

At 30 march 2008 minister Günay to be informed by ALTİD, ALTSO and ALTAB. Günay said that tourism sector increase of speed in Türkiye also comparing the world...

(EN) 1. Ulusal Gastronomi Sempozyumu 10-11 Nisan’da

(Turkish) Yiyecek İçecek Yöneticileri Derneği-YİYDER, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Alanya Meslek Yüksekokulu ve Rixos Otelleri işbirliği ile...

Tourism Panel

In Kempinski The Dome Hotel(Belek)at 29 march 2008 there will be III. Belek Tourism Panel "to become trademark in tourism sector" arranging from BETÜYAB all touristic...

International Uzataş tourism exposition in Hungary

international Uzataş tourism exposition implemented in Budapest with 74000 visitors 350 international participant from 45 country

Successful Promotion in ITB Tourism Fair

ITB Fair which was held between 5th and 9th of March was very successful in terms of Alanya

Alanya Affection İn BALTTOUR

Balttour which was held between the 8th and 10th of February was very affective in terms of Turkey and Alanya.

Alanya 2008 Sport Calendar

The sport organizations of 2008 in Alanya is declared

Alanya International Mountain Bike Race

Alanya International Mountain Bike Race will be implemented on 9th of March Sunday at Kızılalan.