The Number of Tourists reached to 7.5 Millions

It is announced that the numbe of tourists came to Antalya by airplane reached to 7.5 Millions.

(EN) Altid Haber Kasım 2007

(Turkish) Aylık dergi

Alanya Chamber Orchestra Concerts Begin.

Alanya is experiencing new cultural organizations everyday.Alanya Chamber Orchestra Concert is on 7th of December.

Alanya Effect in WTM

The Wtm World Tourism Market Fair implemented between 12th and 15th of November ended lat week.

Alanya in DRV

The 57th of German Tour Operators and Travel Agencies General Assembly Meeting was done in Belek Xanadu Hotel.

“Cafe Alanya” in Germany

The name "Cafe Alanya" is put to a cafe near a pool in Gladbeck Municipality which is a sistercity of Alanya Municipality.

The Competition Authority Approved

Alanya-Gazipaşa airport bidding was approved according to the result of Competition Authority meeting

Stone Sculpture Semposium Continues.

International Sculpture Symposium which is started by the sign of Alanya Mayor Hasan Sipahioğlu continues.

The Members of SKAL in Alanya

The SKAL group which is consisted of the people in tourism Sector will be in Alanya for a day.

Local Banana Promotion

Alanya Banana Producers Union and Alanya Municipality came together and put some banana sales points for promoting local banana all around the world.