Alanya Affection İn Norway
Jan 21, 2008
Alanya wa the cynosure in Reiseliv Oslo Tourism Exhibition which was implemented between the 10th and 13rd of January.
ITF SLOVAKIATUR was very Successful
Jan 21, 2008
The 14th of ITF SLOVAKIATUR was done in Slovakia Republic between the 17th and 20th of January.
Shipping and Marine Museum is in Alanya soon
Jan 21, 2008
National Property General Managership appropriated place to Alanya Municipality for the Shipping and Marine Museum in Dockyard
Alanya is going to be in Norway Fair
Jan 08, 2008
Alanya is going to participate to Oslo-Reiseliv fair between the 10th and 13rd of January 2008.
Turkish World Music Group Concert is in Alanya
Dec 25, 2007
Turkish World Music Group which performes within the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Fine Arts general Managership is going to give a free concert on the 28th of...
Vakantiebeurs 2008 is between 8 th and 13th of January.
Dec 25, 2007
vakantiebeurs 2008 which is implemented in Utrecht(Holland) is going to be done between 8th and 13th of january this year.
Fraternal City Support to Alanya Promotion
Dec 11, 2007
The football team of Poland-wodzislaw in first league is coming to Alanya for the 5th time.
The Number of Tourists exceeded 7.5 Millions
Dec 11, 2007
The number of tourists comin to Alanya exceeded 7.5 Millions
Alanya showed an interest in Chamber Orkestra
Dec 08, 2007
Alanya Chamber Orchestra which was implemented on the 7th of December in Alanya Cultural center faced with a intensive interest of Alanya